George Frideric Handel: Sarabande from Suite in G minor HWV 452

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This stately Sarabande is the third movement from Handel’s four-movement Suite in G minor. The composer was known to have written about 22 keyboard suites in total and they would have been played on the harpsichord.

On Sale: 01/02/2022

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George Frideric Handel: Sarabande from Suite in G minor HWV 452

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Playing tips: The trills can either be taken from the note (as in bar 1) or from the note above (as in bar 6). Experiment and then go with what you think makes the most musical sense. The score lacks dynamic markings for a reason: it is up to the performer to decide. Maintain a steady tempo and phrase as if you were singing the melody. Even if the pedalling helps in terms of keeping a smooth melodic line, where possible try to join the notes with the fingers.

Pedal tips: We suggest one pedal change with each crotchet beat. Even if the harmony often remains the same for more than one beat, the Baroque style requires frequent change of pedal for clarity of sound.

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