Pianist 139 Aug/Sept 2024

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Issue Summary

Expert advice on pedalling, how to find the right publication of a piece, piano legends of the past... plus over 40 pages of sheet music with works by Scarlatti, Fauré, Busoni, Mussorgsky, and much more

On Sale: 19/07/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

Inside this issue you can enjoy...


Tips on how to enter the Pianist 2025 Composing Competition

Cover star Saskia Giorgini talks about her new album and her passion for Liszt and Debussy. Plus win her new all-Debussy album!

Masterclass 1 Mark Tanner on the benefits of fast practice – right from the start

Masterclass 2 Subtle pedalling will enable you to express what you want to say musically, advises Graham Fitch


THREE ‘How to play’ lessons Step-by-step lessons on three of this issue’s scores from experts Melanie Spanswick, Clare Hammond and Lucy Parham


Over 40 pages of scores Including a stunning Fauré Nocturne and the 2024 Composing Competition winning piece, Comme vous voulez!

Performance versus Practice Alisdair Hogarth addresses the two different mindsets needed for playing with confidence

Legends of the Past Colin Clarke sounds out the famous (and often forgotten) piano stars of yesteryear


The Perfect Publication How do you pick the ‘right’ edition of a work when there are so many to choose from? Matthew Mills offers up some sensible suggestions                  

Album Reviews Praise for Pierre-Laurent Aimard’s Schubert and Peter Donohoe’s Granados – plus exciting collaborative music-making from Alexandre Tharaud (with friends) and the Kolesnikov/Tsoy duo

Sheet Music Reviews ABRSM’s latest exam pieces are put to the test along with Suk dances, Saint-Saëns études, Prokofiev miniatures and more



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