29 March 2017
That's because the ISM is generously offering Pianist readers a 20% discount!
That's because the ISM is generously offering Pianist readers a 20% discount!
The ISM is the UK’s fastest growing professional body for musicians. It supports over 7,800 members working in all areas of the profession including performers, composers and music educators.
ISM is pleased to be offering Pianist readers 20% off ISM membership with discount codes PIANO17 or PIANO17G (for graduate rate) until 30 April 2017.
Philip Herbert (pictured), composer and performer, and ISM member since 1994, says:
'Since joining the ISM I have really made use of the huge array of resources the organisation provides. The ISM keeps me up-to-date with changes in the music sector, and connects me with a wider network of professional musicians.'
In fact, watch what he has to say right here:
And some more musicians have their say here: