Petrof P 210 Pasat
This is the masterly P 210 Pasat grand. Its dimensions allow its sound to stand out even in the smallest spaces: chamber music salons, studios and in the home.
Anywhere you choose it will conjure up the atmosphere of the most famous concert halls. The list of its successes fills us with parental pride. We shall feel honoured if you too fall in love with its romantic, clear and singing tone.
Only the best European materials are used, which is proved by the European Excellence (EEX) certification. Instruments are built mainly from components which are produced directly in the PETROF factory. This brings the best possible quality control.
The PETROF company is considered the main innovator in this industry which is primarily thanks to the work of all the experts of the Technology centre in cooperation with the Research and Development department established in 1954.
This instrument is intended to be used for demanding individual pianists, higher music schools, and for concerts in smaller halls and clubs. It produces the characteristic rounded, romantic PETROF sound. This grand piano enjoys a long-term popularity among professional pianists worldwide.
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