C. Bechstein Concert B 212
This is a piano for connoisseurs.
The engineers in the C. Bechstein R&D department developed the exceptional B 212 grand piano following close dialogue with numerous international pianists and conservatory teachers. Many features of this wonderful instrument are similar to those of the C. Bechstein C 234 and D 282 concert grands.
The C. Bechstein B 212 grand piano guarantees genuine playing pleasure and is the ideal everyday companion of professionals and advanced amateurs alike – who are all in search of the very best.
This grand piano is perfect for recitals and is frequently found in conservatories and private music rooms. The manufacturing processes of the C. Bechstein B 212 grand piano include secrets gathered by the brand’s piano-makers since 1853, as well as the latest discoveries of the C. Bechstein R&D department.
Perfect mastering of the tensions within the acoustic assembly imbues each instrument with its own distinctive personality. C. Bechstein Masterpieces have soundboards that react like a vibrating acoustic membrane and transform the tones into long-lasting pleasures that unfold like blossom.
Moreover, the cast iron frame was redesigned to optimize both the sustain of the sound and the acoustic energy.
The pin block’s nine layers of high-quality wood ensure extra-precise regulations of the tuning pins and long-lasting tuning.
At the German C. Bechstein manufacturing site, the state-of-the-art production process ensures the utmost quality of all piano parts, including the hammerheads, which are manufactured in-house at the German facility, as well as the professional, high-precision action assembly.
C. Bechstein B 212 grand piano: a magic instrument with a wonderful, subtle touch and a noble, transparent and richly nuanced voice. Discover this masterpiece for yourself!
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