Watch our piano lesson on staccato and legato from Steinway Hall London

08 October 2012
imports_PIA_0-nb0vlwqb-100000_98780.jpg Watch our piano lesson on staccato and legato from Steinway Hall London
In this new piano video masterclass, concert pianist and teacher Graham Fitch discusses and demonstrates the many different kinds of legato and staccato on the piano. ...

In this lesson, Graham discusses two very important touches on the piano:

1. Staccato: Finger staccato, Staccatissimo, Whole-arm staccato, Staccato from the back and shoulders, Wrist staccato
Forearm staccato

2. Legato: Legato, Legatissimo, Finger pedalling

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Enjoyed the video? Watch more from Graham Fitch over on our Piano Lessons page.